
Friday 13 October 2017

October 2017 Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction Fall Series

Hello Leadership Development Framework registrants,

Thank you for your active participation and discussion in the first session of Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction.

This blog is open to your collective thinking.  Please feel free to look through posts from previous registrants and contribute your thoughts, comments or questions.

Consider posting thoughts following each session to continue the network of support that will build over the course of our inservices.

I look forward to seeing you at Session #2


Mary mac...

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Leadership Development Framework: Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction

Hello Leadership Development Framework registrants,

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning.

The four part series in which you have registered will focus on Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction and  will mirror the four part series offered through a group in the Harry Ainlay Catchment.

Please feel free to look through posts from either group and contribute your thinking.This blog is open to your collective thinking.  Please consider posting thoughts following each session to continue the network of support that will build over the course of our inservices.

I will share the ppt with you directly.

See you tomorrow.


Mary mac...

Sunday 29 January 2017

Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction: Harry Ainlay Catchment

Hello Harry Ainlay Catchment participants.

This four part series on Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction will mirror the four part series offered through the Leadership Development Framework.

This blog is open to your collective thinking.  Please consider posting thoughts following each session to continue the network of support that will build over the course of our inservices.

Today's powerpoint will be shared with you.

I am really looking forward to spending the time with you.


Mary mac...

Thursday 10 March 2016

The QLPT seems like a highly useful, reflective and flexible document that can fill so many uses and purposes when developing the understanding of literacy and its role and function within the school environment. Sharing what makes sense, filtering what makes best use of teacher time and applying learning and seeing the way forward seem so much more clear through this tool.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Welcome to Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction!

Hi Group!

Thank you for your honest discussion around quality literacy instruction this morning.  I am looking forward to the series and learning from you as we share ideas around making literacy tangible for all students.
Leading Through Quality Literacy Instruction : Powerpoint

Getting Started

This first session was an overview of what literacy is and its importance.  My reason for being here is to have some ideas of how to present literacy to a K-9 school to develop consistent conversations with vocabulary, ideas, and direction as what a literacy program can look like in our school.  Also, literacy needs to be developed within Junior High classrooms in all subject areas, and intervention does need to be done in the classroom.  How do we do this?  How do we convince ELA teachers especially to develop leveled learning and interventions in their class for struggling readers and achievers?  I believe myself, and have practised, adapting materials for students who are below the class level (especially ELL).  I also believe that you start with where they are at, encourage them, and praise their success in order for them to buy in to reading and trying.  If they are reluctant readers at the Junior High level, they have been for a long time.  We need to be on the same page within our school, then become consistent throughout the district.  That is why I am here --- so how do we get there?  I learned a lot by talking to other teachers and what they are doing in their schools. Thank you and I look forward to our next session.

First Impressions

I decided to participate in these sessions as I have started emerging as a literacy leader within my school and I am want to learn more about how to guide a school into improving literacy for all students.  The one thing I have taken away from this first session is defining what literacy means.  The Denis Sparks quote, " In order to lead others you need to be clear about what you believe…" really resonated with me.  I need to spend time reflecting on what I believe literacy means to me.  I think this will be a critical first step as everyone on staff is going to have a different interpretation of this, so to help lead I will need to be grounded in my own beliefs.